Vitamin Infusions & Injections
Busy lives, convenience foods and an increase in digestive and gut complications can mean that vitamins and minerals from our diet or through oral supplements are just not being efficiently absorbed. We finally have a solution. IV (intravenous) therapy. These are vitamins in the form of a drip that are put straight into a vein. Some vitamins can also be put into a muscle with an injection. For you this means that the vitamins are delivered to precisely where they need to go and you aren’t losing any of it in transit.
We offer this service to you with a medical consult with our in-house doctor followed by administration by our registered nurse. All our doctors and nurses are trained to the highest specification.
Your consultation and infusion will take approximately 30-40 minutes. Our doctor will speak to you about each of our infusion blends and injections to work out which one is best suited to you so you can look and feel your best.
Taking IV vitamins is about the potential for boosting your healing properties and optimising your health. These key vitamins and antioxidants are important in managing stress and damage within your cells and are the building blocks that help to restore your cell function. They are given with saline, which is a fluid that helps flush out toxins and increase hydration at a more cellular level. You will feel energised and revitalised following an IV infusion, looking and feeling your best.
Is this treatment for you?
Do you feel tired all the time? Are you lacking energy? Does life feel too demanding?
Is your diet less than perfect? Do you struggle with making time to eat better?
Are you an athlete wanting to improve your recovery and performance?
Do you want brighter skin? Do you want to look less tired?
Do you need more hydration?
Do you need to flush out toxins or detox?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then this treatment could be for you!
IV infusions and vitamin injections are game changing and everyday more evidence is emerging for their benefits.
These treatments can be used by those with evident health conditions or can be used by healthy individuals who want to give themselves a boost. If you’re ready to start feeling better, brighter & more energised then click the ‘menu & pricing’ button below to pick from our range of treatments.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are vitamin infusions safe?
A: Each of our clients will receive a consultation with a doctor to ensure suitability for the infusion. Our infusions are administered by a registered nurse and monitored throughout the whole process. Our vitamins are manufactured in an Australian laboratory which is subject to rigorous audit and is TGA approved.
Articles assessing safety of IV vitamin C:
Q: how does it work?
A: IV vitamins are absorbed 100% into the cells, whereas, oral supplementation has to travel through the digestive system which only allows 20-30% of vitamins to be absorbed into the cells.
Q: Will I see an immediate result?
A: Everyone is different and results will vary person to person. Most clients report a positive improvement after the infusion or within 24 hours of having the infusion.
*Please note: These treatments are in no way a) a substitute for good nutrition or a balanced diet; or b) are in any way superior to or more beneficial than dietary nutrients or that normal health may be affected by not taking vitamin supplements.